Feta and potato omelette

Linnea Vihonen
Chef and creative innovator.

Aika 30 min.
Henkilöt 4


  • 1 bag Rooty Pan Noodles or Potato Rice
  • 1 tbsp rapeseed oil
  • 1 tsp fine sea salt
  • 6 organic eggs
  • 6 tbsp whipping cream or cooking cream
  • generous sprinkling of black pepper
  • ½ tsp paprika powder


  • 100 g feta
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • ½ green bell pepper
  • 1 spring onion, finely chopped
  • zest of ½ lemon
  • fresh basil


Fry the noodles/rice in hot rapeseed oil for five minutes and season with salt. In a bowl, mix together the eggs, cream, and seasonings. Pour into the pan and stir in. Reduce the temperature to a low heat and let the omelette cook halfway under a lid.

Crumble the feta and sprinkle it over the half-cooked potato omelette. Sprinkle the rest of the vegetables on top and let cook for around another ten minutes.

Garnish with fresh basil and spring onion, finely grated lemon peel, a dash of olive oil, and black pepper.


Pan Noodle

Rooty Pan Noodle is healthy and easy to prepare, plus you’re saving the planet on the side. We have created an all-round good side dish that turns any main meal into something special. Pan Noodle can be used in a hearty Pad Thai or a fresh veggie stir fry. You can do anything with Pan Noodle.

If you swap your wheat noodles for potato – the northern superfood – you’re also doing the environment a favour. Potato yields are four times larger than wheat yields grown on the same amount of farmland. What you eat matters!

Why do things the hard way when it’s so easy to make eco-friendly food? Rooty Pan Noodle – Join The Kind Side

Rooty Pan Noodle Ingredients
Rooty - Pannunuudeli